Veterans Appreciation Memorial Wall
In the summer of 2016, the Veteran’s Appreciation Foundation decided to build a memorial on the 10th tee area at Green Valley Golf Club.
Of course, we had the blessing of Green Valley’s Board of Directors. We first consulted with Mike Lones of Lones Stone.
Our initial thought was to install brick pavers and put the memorial in the ground. I am glad Mike had a better idea.
He suggested we build a wall so we would not have to worry about weeds coming up through the pavers.
Mike thought we would be able to sell the bricks to anyone who wanted to honor a Veteran, who had given the ultimate sacrifice, or who had served in our great military.
This was a great way for a loved one’s memory to live on forever.
We next met with Brian Addis Architect, and Brian came up with a proposed drawing for the memorial. Phil Harris then helped with all the plans, worked with Mike Lones, and also found a couple of brick layers,
Brent (Dink) Stalnaker and Davey Johnson, to help us with the project. They, along with many great friends, volunteered several days and hours of their time to complete this project.
We began digging the footers in October of 2016, selling and engraving the bricks for the memorial wall, planning for the landscaping around the memorial, and accepting the donations of the
flag pole and the fallen soldier boots, rifle, and helmet statute. The dedication for the memorial wall was held on Saturday, July 27, 2019. The dedication ceremony could not have been better with thanks
to so many people beginning with Retired Brigadier General Mike McHenry who organized and emceed the event. Special thanks are also extended to the Y-City Barbershop Chorus, Pastor Mike Bullock, the ZHS
JROTC, U.S. Congressman Troy Balderson, American Legion Honor Guard, and our guest speaker, Major Robert J. Paley, who participated in the dedication ceremony.
I am so grateful as this project could not have happened without the help of so many great friends not to mention all those who purchased the bricks for the memorial. I will try to mention everyone,
but if I do forget someone, I apologize as it was certainly not intentional. Special thanks are extended to:
- Brian Addis for his drawings
- Mike Lones for all his insight and help with the project from start to finish
- Phil (Big Phil) Harris on helping me plan the project, mixing all the mortar, cutting the block and bricks, tending for the brick layers, and being here every time we planned to work on the project
- Brent (Dink) Stalnaker and Davey Johnson a special and sincere thanks for all their time and effort as brick layers to make this project such a success. You do not know how much you are appreciated
- Lowe’s for donating all the block
- Todd Ware & The Energy Cooperative for donating the wonderful flag pole
- Park National Bank (Century National Bank) for donating the landscaping around the memorial
- Soldiers & Sailors Monumental Association for donating the boots, rifle and helmet statue
- Modern Glass, Paint & Tile Co. for donating the WWII bell
- Hershel Graham a special thanks for being there every time we worked on the project
- Dan Rapol, Jerry Farmer, Brad Harris, and I am sure there are many others for all their hard work and assistance with completing the project
- Board Members of Veteran’s Appreciation Foundation for all their help and support
The Veteran’s Memorial Wall sits on the 10th tee at Green Valley Golf Club. It is a memorial that we are very proud of, and you can stop by and see it at any time.
Thanks again to everyone who supported the project and purchased bricks to honor their military heroes and loved ones.
